Leaving Normandy - Pyrennes Bound! Plus Tentative Vroom Summer Schedule

Because it is easiest to update our travels while on the move using the Polarsteps App, please follow us on our trip

Leaving Chateau du Mont

‘Leaving Normandy - Pyrénées Bound!’ at https://www.polarsteps.com/ElizabethVroom/7107647-leaving-normandy-pyrenees-bound?s=5e32c1d2-0ea8-4eca-b251-8edba8bbdab0

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Tentative summer plan...so far, so good...

April 11, 2023: We are writing this during one of the last days as chateau guardians in Normandy. At this point our plans are to head south in our trusty old camper "SAM" along the Atlantic coast, then turn inland to spend some time with our friends from last year's chateau-sit an hour from Toulouse. The rest of the month of May we plan to explore the Pyrenees: camping, hiking and biking followed by a slow trip back up to The Netherlands. May 30th (memorial day and the same day Herman's father died last year) we want to be present to watch Anika perform with her dance-group. In June we will spend time with friends and family in The Netherlands, attend Anika's Master's graduation (hopefully) and check in on Nina and see the house she moved into with two other girls in February.

July 1st we are on the plane to Seattle. We will first spend some time in Bellingham, mostly taking care of our home there. Once the (adult) children and Herman's sister, Marian and our niece, Noa, also arrive we plan to go to the Oregon Coast for a week. This will be followed by a short camping stay near Mount St. Helens. The first two weeks of August we will be back up in Bellingham, the last two weeks in Portland (potentially combined with visits to friends on the way). September 1st we are flying back to Amsterdam for another (year?) of adventuring in Europe.

We hope to see many of you along our way...
Cheers and health,
Elizabeth and Herman



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