January 2023 (In lieu of the annual Vroom holiday letter - that boat sailed along with 2022!)

In Normandy it only rains at night! - Common joke in Normandy

Dear Friends and Family,

A glance back at last year's letter makes me realize how many lovely adventures we experienced during 2022, Our life as nomads continues...

Currently we live in a fairy tale, thatched roof cottage on the extensive grounds of the estate of Chateau Du Mont in Normandy. Those birds and mice you see in Disney's Snow White truly exist! They live under the deep eves and the thatch of the roof. Since our arrival in October we have joined a local walking group with over 40 regular members. This group has helped us enormously with continuing to grow our French language skills, exploring the nearby hills and woods, providing a social network, and answering many of the questions we have as newcomers to Normandy. One kind walking group member took us under wing to the local Friday market and introduced us to her favorite vendors and patisserie.

In December, Tessa joined us for a couple of weeks with her fab girlfriend, Delaney, and our long-standing, close family friend, Eli. It was a cold and magical visit: exploring Paris, Mont Saint Michel, Saint Malo, and Honfleur. Tessa's home base remains in Bellingham and we are ever so thankful she is there to hold down the fort. Tessa's visit had a two day overlap with Anika who joined us from Delft, The Netherlands.

Paris, La Seine
Eli  Delaney  Tessa - Paris!

Delaney Tessa  Eli -  Mont Saint Michel

Anika is in the mid to final stage of writing her Master's Thesis at Technical University of Delft. She plans to finish up late spring; although we wonder how she will manage with all her other activities and commitments: acting in a local production, dancing three times a week, running her own photography business and a part time job with the University.

Anika & camera in Guadix dawn light

Nina continues pursuit of her studies as a second year in a Creative Technology degree at Twente University in Enschede. She loved her 6 month sublet with a wonderful housemate in a great off-campus location. Unfortunately, Nina's new year begins with the challenge of finding a place to live, while studying, and taking end of semester exams.

Herman, Anika and I "escaped" the cold, wet, weather by heading to Malaga, Spain, where we met Nina who flew in from The Netherlands. We enjoyed 9 days exploring the area close to Nerja; sunshine, playing games, reading, hiking and relaxing. 

Herman Elizabeth Anika Nina in Nerja Sunshine!

Balcon de Europa, Nerja


After welcoming 2023 by dancing on the roof top in the moonlight, we drove a couple of hours to spend a night as troglodytes in a cave house in Guadix. In Guadix there are over 10,000 cave dwellers. We continued from Guadix to Granada, Spain for our final three nights. We stayed in the historic Albaycin neighborhood with it's twisty, narrow streets crammed with vendors selling clothes, tea, trinkets, leather products and souvenirs. The area gained it's World Heritage status in 1994 and is situated on the North side above the Darro River.

Nina, Anika, Herman Alcazaba Alahambra

Everything about the trip was wonderful, with the exception of Albaycin's parting gift of food poisoning Oh La Vache! which Anika and I began suffering just after landing back in our local airports. Oh, la Vache! Literally translated this means "Oh, the cow", of which there are many here, but among friends this outcry is used to express astonishment or surprise. 

As our journeycontinues in 2023, please keep an eye out for opportunities to cross paths with us. Some of our favorite 2022 memories were the planned and/or unexpected moments when family or friends reached out and we ended up meeting along the way. If you are reading this, you know we would love to see you!

Hopefully 2023 will bring everyone health, happiness, joy and serenity.

Sending our love, 

Elizabeth and Herman


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