Chapel of Bones, Evora - April 6, 2021

 Chapel of Bones in Evora

We happened upon this creepy place that it turns out is the second most visited site in Evora! The chapel was built in the first half of the seventeenth century and is dedicated to the cult of the souls of purgatory. The bones used to construct this chapel are believed to have come from the convent that used to be a part of this building.

We are the bones that are waiting here for yours

Bench and wall tiles at the entrance to the chapel

The following poem is also at the entrance:

Where are you going in such a hurry, traveller? not proceed any further;
You have no greater concern,
Than this one: that on which you focus your sight.

Recall how many have passed from this world,
Reflect upon your similar end, 
There is good reason to reflect, 
If only all did the same

Ponder, you so influenced by fate,
Among the many concerns of the world, 
So little do you reflect upon death;
If by chance you glance at this place,

Stop...for the sake of your journey,
The more you pause, the more you will progress.
-Antonio Asencao Teles, 1845


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