Lisbon - April 13, 2021

We have been using the Polarsteps App to share short posts with our route and a few pictures, if you are interested in following that story, here is the information: ‘Vantrip around Portugal’ Check out the full story at ElizabethVroom/3942839- vantrip-around-portugal/ 30488111-mafra?s=492389b7- f905-4668-b35b-386a513da336 We had a somewhat rainy day trip exploring Lisbon. It turns out that April is a reliable month for rain in this area. Riding bikes from the graffiti adorned campground located inside the walls of an old ammunition factory, we headed out early in the morning in a steady light drizzle of rain. View over Lisbon Ammunition Factory turned campground and restaurant 3 km from the center of Lisbon There are numerous large squares and lovely cobbled walking streets throughout the city. Every side street opens a new adventure. King João's long reign of 48 years, the most extensive of all Portuguese monarchs, saw the beginning of Por...