Calm before the storm! December 1-3, 2020
Three days and two nights away from our home base in Chirivel found us exploring an area about an hour's drive on the other side of the mountain range we see from here. We are learning that each large valley between the mountains in this area seem to have separate weather patterns. As I sit typing this entry, the wind is literally howling with gusts of up to 68 mph! There is a cloud of rain actually horizontal to the ground. We are thankful for the wood stove that burns chunks of hardwood almond. It took most of the morning to prepare for our departure and run a couple of errands. On our way to La Piza, a nature park area, we stopped in the town of Maria to get some bread. We asked a masked mother and daughter who were walking with a purpose for directions. We were extremely lucky because they were headed to the bakery as well and it would close in just 7 minutes! The town was a bit maze like and after several minutes of winding around, we arrived at the panaderia (bakery) just in ...
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