Piedra del Nazareno - A curious rock formation from our trip to Mojácar (December 9th, 2020)

This picture is of a curious rock formation along the beach walk near to 
Mojácar. The path runs parallel to the coastline and ascends the sea cliff, the views in the area are stupendous. This curious rock formation is known locally as Piedra del Nazareno or Rock of the Nazarene. The legend tells that a group of miners were camped on the beach having lunch when the rock fell from the cliffs above. Miraculously, the boulder came to a precipitous stop just before it would have fallen and crushed the miners! The name, Nazareno, comes from the resemblance of the rock to the robe, cape and cone-shaped hats costume worn by penitents (Nazarenos) in religious processions. The Nazarenes are members of the cofradias or "brotherhood" and participate in processions of penitents dressed so that no one can recognize them. The cone symbolizes rising towards the heavens bringing their penitence nearer to the heavens, similar to a church spire. This is reminiscent also of the cypress trees that are planted in Spanish cemeteries to symbolically raise the dead towards heaven. 


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