Van Life for a Week in Andalusia - February 10, 2020


We have been on the road for a full week. How exciting it is to be at an actual campsite with facilities after a week on the road! As we receive photographs and stories about snow falling in The Netherlands and back in Washington State, we are challenged with the Andalucian Spanish winter weather with rain showers and cold winds. The current forecast involves a ten day stretch of this weather, which you can imagine when confined to a small 6 meter (under 20 foot) camper to escape poor weather, can be challenging. So far we have been managing with smiles, we will see where we are after a few more days of the blasting wind...

I am including some random photos from throughout the week of being on the road. The link at the bottom of this post to our Polarsteps journey which includes a more detailed photo journey with stories . We hope you have time to join us for more armchair travel...

Amazing mountain biking near Galera, Spain. The trail was sparkling like diamonds or broken glass from all the mica in the area.

Orce central square and Herman in the Palaceo de los Segura


Pozo Alcon

Cueva del Agua

The harrowing climb up to the castle remains above Tiscar


Cazorla - when the rain and wind really started!

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This trip is called Van Life in Spain...


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