Marvão, Portugal - February 23, 2021

From the house at night we can see the lights of Marvao on the top of a 960 meter quartzite peak across the expansive valley. Bursting with curiosity, we rode our mountain bikes the 18 km distance to take a closer look. It was a gorgeous ride, but very steep and involved a lot of climbing (and some on foot bike pushing) to get to the top. The reward of visiting the town of Marvao was so worth the effort. Within the many walls are cobbled narrow, tangled, twisting streets. There is a reason almost every street is one way in the village! It is easy to understand why a fortress would be situated in this location as you can see so far in every direction from up there and the Spanish border is only 15 km away. The original castle dates back to the 8th century and was founded by an Islamic knight. For 5 centuries it remained an Islamic stronghold until it was conquered by King Alfonso I during the 1160s. The remains today are largely of a medieval era castle (1300's). Portagem (the clos...