Big Update in an Italian Thunderstorm!

Dear Friends and family, As I write this long overdue blog update there is thunder and lightning and the falling of rain, much needed to clear the humid, hot air....if you feel up to filling in some of the many gaps in our travels, take a look at the following Polarsteps album where we have been sharing bits and bobs about our journey since leaving France a little over a month ago. Follow me on our trip ‘Chateau Dumas to Alsettimocielo and beyond...’ at ElizabethVroom/4940935- chateau-dumas-to- alsettimocielo?s=64455d79- 442c-40ec-aabf-2fb63b4f40cb We had a wonderful time living in France and the area around Toulouse is quite stunning. It was difficult to give up the routines we had created and say good bye to new found friends and neighbors after 7 months in the area. Just before we left, we had a flurry of great outings and visits. Particularly noteworthy were two different couples we know from Bainbridge Island who were independently traveling by boa...