Vroom Family Holiday Letter
Ever so thankful to be able to have Vita and the entire family together for the holidays! Looking over the carriage house from the Chateau VinVin We have been fortunate to have several visitors since our arrival at Chateau Dumas in Au'ty, France to take care of VinVin the Tonkinese chateau cat. First was my father for a couple of weeks, followed immediately by Tessa (here for 2 months) and her girlfriend Delaney (5 weeks), Vita (2 weeks). Needless to say, Herman and I are becoming seasoned tour guides for the nearby picturesque medieval villages! Luckily there is a great bakery on the way to the airport. Delaney, Elizabeth, Tessa, Vita Visiting Albi in the rain with my father Elizabeth: I've been enjoying my new freedom from being a full time teacher. Some of the ways I spend time are following an online art course, studying French, yoga, running, and exploring France (especially the amazing farmers markets!). Herman and I have taken up l...